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Team Events
Consultation 034 533 34 35
Team Events arranges excursions for companies throughout Switzerland.

Workshop: Appreciation - the key to success

Workshop: Appreciation - the key to success
Workshop: Appreciation - the key to success
Workshop: Appreciation - the key to success
Workshop: Appreciation - the key to success
Workshop: Appreciation - the key to success
Workshop: Appreciation - the key to success
Workshop: Appreciation - the key to success
Workshop: Appreciation - the key to success
Workshop: Appreciation - the key to success
Workshop: Appreciation - the key to success
Workshop: Appreciation - the key to success
Workshop: Appreciation - the key to success
Workshop: Appreciation - the key to success
Workshop: Appreciation - the key to success
Would you like to promote a pleasant working atmosphere and team spirit in your company? In the "Appreciation in the workplace" workshop, you will dive together into the importance of appreciation for a positive working environment.

Possible contents

They explore how appreciation can improve the working atmosphere, strengthen employee loyalty and increase motivation.


  • Meaning and impact of appreciation
  • Practical approaches to integrating appreciation into everyday work
  • Communication strategies for appreciative interactions
  • Developing rules and guidelines to promote appreciation.
  • Emphasizing the importance of self-appreciation and self-care for employee health and well-being in the workplace.

Interactive design

The seminar is interactive and provides space for discussion, group exercises and individual feedback. The workshop leader works closely with the clients to ensure that the content is tailored to their specific needs and challenges.

The workshop leader

The workshop leader holds a Master of Advanced Studies in systemic coaching and organizational consulting. She has completed a CAS in Personal Leadership as well as in Transcultural Coaching and Organizational Consulting and regularly undergoes further training in this field. People are always at the center of her work.

Size of group

4 to 40 people


from 1 h


all year round


All of Switzerland



Costs [CHF]

incl. 8.1% VAT
Kurzseminar bis 1h
ab 1,000.00  flat-rate
Half day
up to 20 pers. 1,500.00  flat-rate
21-40 pers. 2,000.00  flat-rate
Full day
from 4 pers. on demand

Included in the price

-   Prior consultation
-   Practical workshop

Not included

-   Travel expenses from the Solothurn region
-   Possible local rent

Optional extras

-   Team coaching
-   Presentation on the topic of appreciation

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Team Events